Hey all,
The Faro Field Flyers will be hosting a get together on July 17th and 18th 2015 at our flying field in Chehalis Wa. Were basically getting together with a bunch of friends we have made all over the NorthWest, Hanging out and flying 2 full days. Dry camping is available.
We will have LED lit night flys friday and saturday night. :flyer:
Also anyone interested can attend Lewis County Radio Radio Controllers fly in on Sunday also, It is just a short distance from our field.
Jeff Christenson
Skyward Hobbies
The Faro Field Flyers will be hosting a get together on July 17th and 18th 2015 at our flying field in Chehalis Wa. Were basically getting together with a bunch of friends we have made all over the NorthWest, Hanging out and flying 2 full days. Dry camping is available.
We will have LED lit night flys friday and saturday night. :flyer:
Also anyone interested can attend Lewis County Radio Radio Controllers fly in on Sunday also, It is just a short distance from our field.
Jeff Christenson
Skyward Hobbies