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GSN Contributor
Thanks Gary! We'll host it here then. Doesn't matter about the number of responses. I'll take quality and honesty over quantity any day.

And you are right, it is a shame that one cannot speak freely about any subject.


well, it's not speaking freely that is the issue IMO, it's protecting members right to have an opinion, and selective enforcment of site rules... but we digress :)
Just ordered 5 Savox 1258tg's from Savoxusa. Used the 15% 3drc discount I found on the banner at the bottom of the page. Thank You Savox USA for making great servos and Thank You 3drc forums for saving me $50. Thats more than that "other" forum has ever done for me.


GSN Contributor
Just ordered 5 Savox 1258tg's from Savoxusa. Used the 15% 3drc discount I found on the banner at the bottom of the page. Thank You Savox USA for making great servos and Thank You 3drc forums for saving me $50. Thats more than that "other" forum has ever done for me.

You're very welcome! Spread the word to your friends all over the net, THIS is the forum to be at! :)


New to GSN!
I wish I could add my LHS (Hobby Hangar, Chantilly, VA) to the list but they are not currently doing internet sales. These guys sponsor a dozen events or more each year and I can honestly say I have never found better service anywhere.