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3D Fibertech Hyperlite Slick 540 Build Thread


70cc twin V2
I have made some progress on my plane. I have the fin and rubdder cut out and hinged along with the elevators. I have the other wing ready to vacuum bag and I will get it done this weekend. That will probably be about all I can get done until next week. We had a EF4 tornado rip threw the town I live in. It just missed my moms house but a lot of other people were not as fortunate. I have a few friends that lost everything and I'm going to help out this weekend were I can for cleanup. Here are a few pictures of what Mother Nature can do. These are less that a 1/8 of mile south of my moms house. If the tornado had kept going North instead of turning Northeast it would have wiped out her house.


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Bipnut, I am so happy to see your mothers home was spared. The pictures that you took after the tornado are awesome and so sorry to see all of the suffering and lose of property and life at Fairdale, IL and for all of those that had damages. The tornado was an F-4 with winds of 166 to 200 miles per hour.


Wow, glad you your all safe! Your a real stand up guy to go and assist! I am sure most would, and appreciate your willingness to share with us just how bad it really was. Never like personal property damage like that- but am always amazed at the shear power of a storm like that!
Bipnut is a real stand up man and he is like that in our club he is always available to help and volunteer. He is our club president and a darn good one.

The outpouring of donations and help from the Midwest is outstanding and folks like Carl are out there volunteering and helping those poor people that are homeless. It was reported in our paper that a telephone man was working to restore phone service and a 3 year girl walked up to him and remarked, "My home is broke!" And he told the reporter it was all he could do to keep from crying in front of this tiny little girl that lost her home, her clothes and play things. I have heard stories of bravery and losses that is heart wrenching. Americans are strong and most will build new homes and rebuild the community and remain in Fairdale, Illinois.