The field rule is 100 DB at 10 feet. We have a meter and it only take a few seconds of run up to check.
This is not new and has been in place for many years. This is also the same limit used by IMAC at the time it adopted. It was in place for the four previous FLIs. While it is possible to fly any motor/exhaust/prop at some fields we have a limit to maintain a good relationship with our neighbors.
As a general rule you should have no problem staying within the limit with canisters and if you plan on flying at this field on a regular basis canisters are a very good idea. In fact I am not aware of any motor with canisters exceeding the limit.
If you are running some other setup we have been able to work with people to limit the throttle with ATV to a point that it passes.
Sorry if I caused any problems... I was just passing on what I was told today
Flying with common sense should get us all under the DB limit. Last time there I flew a pair of 120's with wood VESS props and they were only too loud on WFO unloaded passes. I plan on coming to the event with a nice dose of respect for the club and a little throttle control.....
Sweet! Just found out about the event. I'm just finishing up a 3DHS 74" Edge. I'll be there for sure! Now to figure out something for night flying.