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FLI V at the 114th Sponsored by 3DHS and 3DRCFORUMS


New to GSN!
Chef Dave is planning on Spaghetti Friday night.

Saturday we'll have breakfast burritos then tenderloin, burgers & dogs for lunch.

I'll also grill some burgers for lunch on Friday.


70cc twin V2
OK, packing up here. Thought I should finally make this garage sale list:

NIB 103" Extra blue/yellow/white.

New, in-box. Includes a spare wing panel. Has to be sold as a GS item because the wing box cardboard was damaged and can't ride a truck. $900 OBO

A 72" Extra 330, NIB. Blue/yelow/white. Box is in bad shape, plane is new. $325 OBO.

Various other ARF's, depending on what I piece together today.

...and I'm sure I'll find some more stuff, as usual.

See you guys on Thursday!

Can we do the "I'll take item" now? :D