Well this is old news but I voted for Frank and Yes I'll side with anyone who wants to shame the membership for being apathetic. The whole organization is enveloped in bureaucracy and has become about the money. Look at the ads in the magazine, what's most prevalent, the one thing that has given all of us the most grief in the last two years DRONES? Good grief. They're the high paying advertisers so there they are. And because of them we all have the FAA up our wazoos. OK Im off the soapbox.
More generalizations...the organizations is "enveloped in bureaucracy" ...it's "all about the money" "drone ads are the most prevalent". What magazines are you talking about specifically? Got any actual examples? Take a look at Model Aviation. look at the November MA magazine. Taking out the "ads" for the AMA related programs, I counted a total of 73 ads. Give or take one or two oversights, here is what I found:
FPV/Drone related ads: 4
LOS ads: 53
Both items in ad: 11
Non specific ads: 5
The non specific ads were for things like Harbor Freight, or On top of the world, etc. Some ads has both LOS and FPV (like Hobbyking's multipage ad). Also captured in that "both" category are ads for batteries and chargers only.
For October:
FPV/Drone related ads: 3
LOS ads: 56
Both items in ad: 8
Non specific ads: 1
For September:
FPV/Drone related ads: 2
LOS ads: 54
Both items in ad: 6
Non specific ads: 4
The FPV/Drone ads represent a minute fraction of the ads, at least for the last three months. For those ads where both were present, the FPV/Drone was not the focus of the ad and was barely noticed (see specifically the Tower ads).
As for the usual complaints about bureaucracy, how do you expect any organization to run without a "bureaucracy"? Have you volunteered your time to help the effort like the other members of the AMA EC? You do realize they don't draw a salary right?