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3D Frankenstein Edge 540!

I'm back! I was waiting on some mufflers to get repaired and ended up finding a set at the WRAM show! I also took a bit of time to build a sanding table.
So now the cowl is on and ready for covering!


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I believe its done! Got the cowl covered and mounted. Waiting on wing hardware to finish one wing up and them this damn snow needs to friggin melt!!!!


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I really like the idea of just using covering on the cowl! Have you done this before and how does it hold up? If it works good it would save me many concerns, like getting paint to match the monokote I plan to use. I'm good covering with monokote but was always leery of putting it on a fiberglass cowl. Do you do anything special to prep the fiberglass?
Hey Rick
I've done this a couple of times with great success. Don't try it on painted or primered surfaces. Use low heat like 250 or so. Any more will soften the fiberglass. I just use windex on the surface before I cover it.
Good luck


Hey Rick
I've done this a couple of times with great success. Don't try it on painted or primered surfaces. Use low heat like 250 or so. Any more will soften the fiberglass. I just use windex on the surface before I cover it.
Good luck

Thanks Jim,
I'm thinking about trying it on a ARF cowl, so it is painted. Maybe I should get the sandpaper and elbow grease out and remove the paint first!? It will not work on paint, why? To smooth to adhere? Or does the paint become soft?
It sticks to the paint and not the cowl so it doesn't hold when it shrinks. Its OK if its glass coated but I haven't had good luck with paint.