It adds character.Anyone else notice that the "E" is backwards on the side of my new plane!!! No wonder you sold it Rob
It's correct everywhere else on the plane....thought that was funny, but not sure I can remove it and get it to stick back on so I guess it'll be a conversational item.
Anyone else notice that the "E" is backwards
Those are really tough to come by.Makes it unique.... Now I wish I'd bought one before it was discontinued...I did manage to grab a 1/4 scale Patty Wagstaff from Tower.
Yup...was being the key word. But got to thinking...after my sons PAU 43% Edge showed up, My aching for such beauty overcame me and I just could not resist. So I bought a PAU 300SP. Hey, can't let the kid have all the glory right? So....Terry wins, I win....everybody wins. Thanks again Terry. I am very pleased it showed up undamaged and looking awesome.
That's a pretty awesome picture..."AND" question. I am going with, (and since I don't want my hair cut off and mustache trimmed) either direction would be good. Just do it, "NOW". LOL