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Group Build, 20cc Profile ARF, Who's In?


Staff member
@pawnshopmike.I have used all three sizes on the many Profiles I have flown. The Small size is perfect for profiles in the 40 to 60 glow size,4 to 6 lb. TTP15. The TTP 19 is great for profile's in the 60 to 120, glow, or 20cc gas profiles, and the TTP 17 works with Profiles that weigh 9 to 15 lb. or 30cc up to the 50cc gas profiles. on these 20cc profiles I use the TTP 19. I have flexed this gear a few times to where the wheels have punched holes in the bottom of the wings and spring right back LOL!! Any aluminum gear whether light gage Or thicker will not flex Aluminum gear will just bend and twist out of shape, and will break eventually The thicker aluminum gear is hard to straighten and has to be removed to do so FWIW The Tetherlite gear will take a licking and keep on ticking

Thanks for the info Jerry.:way_to_go: I might order a set of the TTP19 for mine.


70cc twin V2
IMG_4343.JPG IMG_4344.JPG IMG_4345.JPG IMG_4346.JPG IMG_4347.JPG IMG_4348.JPG IMG_4349.JPG IMG_4350.JPG You are very welcome Mike. Know that I have the template for my fuselage doubler's I am going to cut out 3 sets, there are a couple other guys in the club that want me to help them with there profiles. On the hinges I use the Robart Hinge Point hinges 1/8". The larger or 3/16" size I use for 50cc and up. The servo extension keepers I prefer are from Aero-Works. So I can achieve a tight hinge line and a more scale appearance I counter sink the pre-drilled holes for the hinges with the bits shown the smaller bit I use for the profiles and up to 30cc planes and the larger I use for 50cc and up. There is a photo of the Tetherlite gear I use notice the Wide stance the gear provides. more to come


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70cc twin V2
I love to do hover to landings with all my planes from my small electric Night Vision and other's to my 65" profiles on up to my largest gassers. I use the profiles for practice they are more forgiving then a 50 to 100cc gasser. I would never try this with my larger gassers with out all the practice I have done with my profiles. Here is a tail touch landing with my 50cc pilot Yak with the EME 60 in winds 0f 20 to 30 mph. On takeoff I love to drag the wing and tail when taking off knife edge. Notice Yakman standing to the far side of the taxi area waiting for a crash LOL!!!


70cc twin V2
Everyone knows that a magic wand. It makes the plane do tricks. :peace-out:
At my age I need the silver shiny magic wand thingy to pull off some of the wild crap I do with my planes. I guess that is why I am known as the Wild Man thus the call sign a couple, Bone Pilots gave me years ago after giving them Flight instruction with RC planes, Three flights and they where both flying solo. I guess the few millions we spend on them for Bone flight simulation does some good LOL!!! PS Yakman and I finally converted Our 10x's to 2.4 my grandson and I are using 11x's for flight Instruction. My granddaughter is now flying also she is going to be a great pilot if she keeps her interest in the Hobby
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70cc twin V2
Just finished Drilling lighting holes in three sets of Fuse doulbers for the 20cc Red Wing Yaks. Fuselage enforcement and gluing the doublers on are next. Then the tail feathers. That will have to be next week until then keep um flying. A few of us are headed to Gillette Wyo. , for there yearly fun fly. Great bunch of guys. getting a pile of planes ready to take with.
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