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*** Guerrilla Squad A T X ***

Randy !!! :D WeLLComE !

I appreciate the gOOder WiShEs, buTT.....they called awhile ago and rescheduled me to October 1 @ 10 a.m. :rolleyes:

That suits me gooder anywho 'cause I won't have to fast as long ! :D And, I can sLEEp late tOO ;)

EDIT: OMG, that might 'interfer' with HUckfest !!!! :eek: :eek: :(

Dave, Huckfest will be fine. You can come with your hand all wrapped up and everyone will feel sorry for you and treat you like Royalty.
What I think may "interfer" with my Hucktober Fest is the Thunderbirds show that same weekend. I think my boy will love it. 2 days of loud fun. Pearl Harbor re-enactment and all. Free show. Check out Alliance Air Show. Just sayin. Unfortunately I am prolly going to miss you guys that weekend.


70cc twin V2
Dave, Huckfest will be fine. You can come with your hand all wrapped up and everyone will feel sorry for you and treat you like Royalty.

Lmazzzofff ! WeLL, about everyone fEELing soRRy for me....I doubt that ! But, I'm at their (the Doc and Hospitals) 'mercy'....so to speak ;) :)


Welcome to 3DRCForums rdsok...... Stop into the "New Here? Introduce yourself!" forum, and introduce yourself to those folks that might not know you.....


Thank ya sir for the welcome... I think about the Introduce yourself thread, so far not much to mention since I haven't been out flying for about a month since quiting the local club I was a member of for a few years, they had rules forced onto the members without the benefit of a vote ... so I'm inbetween clubs at the moment and don't have a gorilla field to fly at up here ( yet )


Thank ya sir for the welcome... I think about the Introduce yourself thread, so far not much to mention since I haven't been out flying for about a month since quiting the local club I was a member of for a few years, they had rules forced onto the members without the benefit of a vote ... so I'm inbetween clubs at the moment and don't have a gorilla field to fly at up here ( yet )

Ehhh....it's just a forum to say "Hi" in as not everybody reads all the forums.....But it's not mandatory....:D :D



New to GSN!
Sweet. Welcome George. If my memory serves me correctly, we have matching (rare) 3DHS yaks. Great taste in planes. :p


I'm trying to find the pic of me and my Purple Yak.
(I Do have a Spare still NIB)... :p

Such a Sweet plane. :)

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New to GSN!
Nice to hear from you again Geroge and welcome to the new site. I still remember the video you posted of your 68 velox mowing grass still makes me laugh.

You must be talking about this one...


I'd forgotten I even posted this!



  • jason's new bird--e-ver.jpg
    jason's new bird--e-ver.jpg
    188.5 KB · Views: 306
I may not make the Huckfest :( a school commitment came up... :( I hope I can drive down, but I'll be driving down on Saturday if I can.