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*** Guerrilla Squad A T X ***


70cc twin V2
Hey GuYs !!
Wanted to bring the Red BuLL Stratos jump--LiVe, to your attentions !! :thumbup: :thumbup: :flyer:

Hope you guys from Austin will come down and hang out with us this coming Saturday! The last time we did this was epic fun...no BS...just flying and hanging out with friends!


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1350299152.430130.jpg
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1350299152.430130.jpg
    90.9 KB · Views: 316


70cc twin V2

Thought I'd uPdate my surgical recovery ! I continue to enjoy a gOOder outcome......strength, deXterity and wound healing ! 2 wEEks post oP :thumbup: :grrreat: :clap:
Remaining is sum stiFFneSS/Pain @ base of thumb and LiTTLe finger :thumbsdown: BuTT, I'm very optimistic this, tOO, will improve !!! :banana:
