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Hangar 9 60cc Corsair Build


Damn I'm hungry
Nice! I was seriously considering the Saito 84 but the additional cost of the Ray English mods turned me off. That engine with the Keleo ring sounds AWESOME! I almost went that route.. I'm really hoping the Evolution 7-77 will be enough power to fly it well. Thanks for the video of the tailwheel doors, I had seen that installation but not the video.

Not too much progress today, I installed the cockpit sides and then spent a good amount of time experimenting with hinges trying to figure out how I need to mount them. It was time well spent because they did not work how I thought I needed to mount them.

I opened the glow driver to start planning out the installation. I got to reading through the instructions and man... Sounds like a guy that's sick of fixing stuff! "Don't try to B/S me, I can tell!!". LOL, I like this guy!

He sold out to sonic-tronics long ago but they kept his literature. Awesome! lol.


70cc twin V2
So... I couldn't, not work on the cockpit tonight, got the seat, headrest and stick installed. I was so exited to get it all together I forgot about making some sort of seatbelt! I have a plan for that though, similar to what Tom did with his. The pilot sure makes a difference, had to give up the parachute though... Saved him a solid inch of headroom.


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70cc twin V2
So we went out and flew my buddies mustang today, beautiful plane! Buuuuuut... Problems with the inner gear doors. They are servo operated but use the eflite sequencer, and they basically didn't work. If the plane had any airspeed at all the doors wouldn't close. (This is a known problem). So he was able to get them to close but only after cycling the gear 4 or 5 times in the air. We both agreed that we are probably going to ditch the doors and just cut the holes. Time to make the decision and move forward. The mustang did fly great though! The eflite gear are very nice too.


70cc twin V2
Been a while since I've worked on the Corsair, the weather has been too good so I've been flying in my free time. Made the drive down to Harbor Freight to pick up a small air compressor for the retracts. I'm not really a Harbor Freight fan but the pump was only $9 and I had the 20% off coupon so I figured I can't really go wrong. Soldered on a XT-60 connector to connect to the Hobby King battery and gave it a whirl, seems to work ok. I was able to cycle the tail wheel and it worked great. I hope to cycle the mains this weekend.


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70cc twin V2
New update! Decided to switch directions on the Corsair, as if things weren't complicated enough! I've decided to go with the Saito 84cc. I've sold off the exhaust ring, glow driver, and prop I had for the evolution radial. I've bought and received the Keleo exhaust ring and firewall for the Saito. Well let me just say, after seeing the Evolution parts, these Keleo parts make those look like toys! The exhaust ring is awesome, really nice looking. The firewall/motor box allows you to mount the Saito without having to cut the cowl to get it to fit. The reasons for the switch are numerous, the biggest one was I didn't want to run custom mix glow fuel. The power with the Evolution was mostly described as "adequate", the 84 should have plenty of power and I can swing a 22-10 semi-scale 3 blade with it.

On another note one of these showed up at my field a couple weeks ago and I got to see it fly. Seemed to fly very well, he had a Zenoah GT-80 with a 24-10 prop and it flew the plane very well. If mine flys like that one does I'll be very happy.

I'm going to try to sell a few things and cut the cost down on the Saito. So that should hopefully be coming soon!


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I think you'll be pleased with your decision on the Saito. Did you give it any thought about relocating the fuel tank and rudder servo.
Keep the pictures coming.


70cc twin V2
I think you'll be pleased with your decision on the Saito. Did you give it any thought about relocating the fuel tank and rudder servo.
Keep the pictures coming.

No not really, I was going to re-plumb the stock tank with Viton and try it in the stock location I think. I can't seem to find another tank that capacity that will fit without moving the rudder servo which I didn't really want to do.

I've been really busy with kids sports the last month or so so I haven't had much tim to work on it. My goal is to have it ready to fly by the fall.


70cc twin V2
Been been a while since the last update. Got my vinyl in today, he must have taken me seriously when I said no rush. Dang I think that was a solid 2 month wait! It looks good, haven't put it on yet but it looks nice.

I've sold some stuff and have about half the money for the engine. I would have all of it but the washer and dryer konked out and I had to buy a new pair. They were at least 10 years old. Oh well just wait a little longer.