Dr Evil
MikePQ;1830 wrote: Show us some photos of your banner hookup and release set up. I am interested in doing that with my 40% Super Decathlon
[SIZE= 14px]I was wondering when someone was going to ask so here ya go.
The Release is a simple camover mounted to the hard points where the floats would mount I used a servo box I "STOLE" from JTEC last time i was there .( should have stolen more those things are great)
Now the tow rig. the "mast " was made from 1/2 in aluminum its what i had. its 3 ft tall and there is a weight on the bottom. you want it to balance about 1ft from the bottom -up . I simply drilled 2 holes and used cotter pins to hook the bridle .
To attach the flags the best way was to run a piece of 1/8 in dowl in the seam and simply use zip ties about every 5 inches down the seam. I did that on the leading and trailing edge of each flag to hold them all together .
The tow rope is mini blind cord its cheap and you wont break it . And 1/4 scale is about 80 ft thats what im use.
Take off . This is the fun part lay the banner out in front of the plane for me thats 80 feet i have someone hold the plane go to full power take a deep breath they let go
FLYING . If you're not good at throttle management you will be
Here is a full scale place for reference. [/SIZE] http://bannertowingequipment.com/
PS: note the original engine oil on the bottom of the plane give it that real bush plane patena
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