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70cc twin V2
That pic of the Goblin 500 in an inverted hover just above the grass is simply awesome. I have been contemplating that hell myself. I have only been flying them for about a year and my largest right now is the MCP BL. I can fly that around pretty well in sport mode and easily put it into an inverted hover. I crash the damn thing often though, mostly because I loose orientation, but also because I attempt stuff well beyond my ability. I keep hearing buy big, but these 500 sized machines are still scare the crap out of me.


Not really a Heli guy but I like flying helis in the winter, inside a Gym. Sold most of my helis but I still have 2 Blade Nanos., T-Rex 250 Pro and A Blade 450. Going to keep those until they get busted up so bad that I don't feel like fixing them.


70cc twin V2
I still like my helis for when the wind is blowing too hard to fly anything else, they'll still handle it.


Are you saying you don't like the 700 or just like the ease of the 500. I was interested to know because I really want to get my hands on a 770. I love the yellow and blue scheme.


I started w/planks in 1998, put the build on hold for 10 years. Got into helis four years ago. I'm hooked on them. I got a couple good deals on 2 Hirobo Shuttles. Converted them to electric and learned to fly the hard way. I bought a Trex 550E recently. I have to finish setting it up and plan on getting help from a club member before flying it.

I like scale birds the most, so I got 4 scale 450 size birds to keep me happy, and a 30 size Airwolf waiting to build.