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Help picking out a prop for DA-150 ? !!


70cc twin V2
We have 40% birds that fly off our 300' paved runway without much issue. And the rare issue that did pop up is when they touch down in the middle of the runway and roll a couple feet off the end if they land a bit hot. Usually that's all pilot error. Most the big gassers use less runway then the smaller nitro's


70cc twin V2
Thanks aarestor !! That's good news for me , ha !! I thought those big planes had to do a Harrier to land on a short field !!
Thanks again, John !!


70cc twin V2
Thanks Bbcorvette !! We have all grass runways here but I have flown a few times on paved runways & I remember it was intimidating at first, felt like the planes were never going to stop, ha !! I haven't been around the 40 % planes now for about 10 yrs. & I must be thinking they go a lot faster than they do, but I remember going to less pitch props to come in slower & the wider blades help too.
Thanks again, John !!

Oh, like to see your Corvette !! I had 3 of them yrs. ago, ha !! Still love them !!
Thanks Dan & Bunky !!
Thanks "Earle" & I have been trying to do the 3D but not all that well & only have 50 cc planes till I got this 40 % . I can do tumbles pretty good & can only hover up higher, too scared to get them lower but working at it ! I can do all the turnaround maneuvers , etc. I only had a 40 % in my hands for a few minutes once, yrs. ago so I just want to get this flying next spring & go from there. It's a composite Patty & I would like to run smoke later down the road, not have to worry about the covering coming off is what I really like, ha !! Also, it's one of the older DA-150's which is a little heavier than the newer engines out. Stock mufflers so far . I figure I won't be able to do too much with it as it only has the old 5945 Hitechs in it but though they are 10 yrs. old, & only had part of a flight, as the plane's eng. quit on take-off & pancaked in when that eng. quit. Not the eng. I have now but it didn't have baffling , which I'm working on now. I did get the landing gear area all fixed up with new wood & glassing in. The plane has sat for over 10 yrs. till I recently got it. I've got the EQ-6 Turbo SmartFly for it too now.
Thanks everyone !!

Can't talk about your new bird without showing it off! :)


70cc twin V2
Oh, thanks again Bunky !! Remember though, it's actually 10 or 11 yrs. old !! I remember when my buddy got this plane, & at the time I was flying the Great Planes 50 cc Patty . There was 2 or 3 of us that had those ! Here are is some pictures of it & some of my repairs to the gear area.

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70cc twin V2
Here's my baffling I'm doing, though not done yet. Let me know if anyone has any advice on this !!
Thanks , John !


That baffling should work fine in directing the air thru the cylinder fins.

As far as props go, I can only speak to IMAC style flying as my 3D sucks. On my piped DA150 (RE3) the Mej 28.5 x 12S works great. So does the Biela 28 x 12. Both are 3-blade props. Pretty quiet and pulls my 42% Raven thru the Advanced sequences with ease.