One of the things I've noticed is that the majority of Guys here are focused on the 3D Giant planes. Myself, I am more of the Giant "Scale" aircraft, like the Ziroli F6F Hellcat I built from plans, and the Hostetler Cessna L-19 Bird Dog from plans which will be next "scale" project.
Currently I am building from plans: A modified "Super Flying King" which was designed by Bruce Tharpe.
This one has 144" wingspan, and is powered by a DLE-85. It is designed to be a Utility plane, carrying cargo of technical value for testing. Mine will be equipped with various items such as onboard video, a cargo release doors (bomb-bay), and attachment points for both Sailplanes as well as Parachute Jumpers.
I am not much of a 3D pilot, although I did enjoy attending the last T.O.C. held in Vegas over 10 years ago. That same week I drove south to Mesa, AZ for the SCALE MASTERS Championship.