As a matter of fact, I do. I personally built one to compare it to the real deal from 3dhs.
Here is what I said in my post early on in that thread on RCG:
"Slick 3D maiden complete. I'm being 100% honest and objective with my opinions here:
Power/Battery Life - AWESOME: My 2820-800 swinging a 14x7 was PERFECT! The plane leapt off the ground at half power, and had no problem accelerating any time during the flight. Amp draw was 52a at max. After a 6 minute flight of mixed throttle usage, my 4s 2650mah packs averaged 14.9 volts.
Flight Performance - AVERAGE overall:
Negative first: A little more wing rock than the "premium" 3d airplanes during low speed harrier. Also, when a lot of up elevator is applied, the left wing falls out quickly compared to my other planes. So for sport flying, elevator travel needs to be minimal. Pop-Tops were unsatisfying, with only 1-2 revolutions at the top, compared to 5-6 from my Extreme Flight aircraft.
Positive: elevators from altitude were crisp, with hardly any wing rock at all! Also, straight lines were nice and precise. Once I got the mixes in correctly (she needed both rudder to elevator, and rudder to aileron) Knife Edge flying was pretty precise, however it took an entire flight to get the mix correct. Once set up, I needed a "fair" amount of rudder, and carried plenty of speed. I'll try flying a little slower next time. Knife Edge spins were nice and tight, and not too hard to enter. Both left rudder and left aileron were required to maintain the spin.
Landings - This plane is VERY floaty. My first flew attempts to land saw the plane floating way long down the runway in ground effect. My radio has a flaperon mix that I took advantage of, and found the optimal deflection at 40% flaps. Once I was able to get some extra drag on the plane, she slowed down very nicely for landing. I didn't try any harrier landings because she was a little too unstable for my skill level.
Alibis - I didn't have hinge tape on, as I forgot it. Winds were dead calm, outside air temp was about 55 degrees. Rudder servo didn't center very well, but I don't think that affected any of my testing.
So, based off my 3 flights today, I think the plane is worth the $105 price. I don't think it's in the same category as the Extreme Flight or 3D HobbyShop planes I have/had. They seem to be better all around, with very few negative characteristics. I think this airplane has a place in the market, and is a quality product, however I don't think it is as "polished" as an aircraft from the renown 3d manufacturers. If this airplane enables some to transition to 3d based on its low entrance cost, then that is great for the hobby in general. In the end, I'm not pissed about my expenses on this plane, and I was very pleasantly surprised how well the SunnySky 2820-800 performed. However I don't think it'll get much flight time from me, as I've got two EF 48" EXP airplanes that just plain fly much better (or mask my poor skills better ). Maybe I can keep this one in the car for impromptu flying or something."
Let me know what your questions are?