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Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster


70cc twin V2
Looking good. I finally got the center section on mine all glued as one piece and just waiting on the cowls, top scoop, and windshield by the end of this week hopefully to be able to get the rest of the center part sheeted

Nice job!! It's looking a lot like mine!! Very cool!!


640cc Uber Pimp
Take your time and check carefully around all your radiuses that the the Fiberglas is against the wood. It is hard to paint if not.


70cc twin V2
Today I worked on the wing mounting bolts. I also tried what the owner of the local hobby shop recommended and mixed some micro balloons with finishing epoxy to see how that works for a filler before I go and spend $40 on the Blue Icing that was recommended. I have to try what I have on hand first, just to see how it works.


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70cc twin V2
Today's work is sponsored by Duplicolor primer. I have now gone through four cans, although I think I have sanded off about half of it while I get the hang of making things smooth.

I am going to go to Napa and pick up some Blue Icing and see if that is easier to work with on the finished surfaces.

I also started glassing the center section. About 1/3 done.

I feel like I am bouncing around so much between different tasks that I am not making much progress, but I know that I am putting a lot of time into it, so things are progressing overall.


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