OK.. enough bitchin' about small things...
Bunky, if this doesn't get you to fix that MX-2 and start flying it again, nothing will.
Here's a picture of my original plane, from back in 2009, and the new one. I would guess, given that the original plane owner got the plane for about half price, that the new one (green) was one of the last ones off of the line. My original one was one of the first.
I tried to get the graphics package again, but the guy who made them for my CARF rep has since retired. I looked at a few other Gary Ward graphics packages, but nothing was as close to the actual plane, so at least for now, I left them off.
I stuck the wings on the new plane so I can balance it and decide where to put the batteries, I think all I have left is to mount the batteries and receivers, then the wheel pants. Those wheels on it are Skylights.. hate them, so I've ordered some White Rose wheels and axles. It's a shame that $300 worth of wheels will be mostly covered with wheel pants.
Bunky, if this doesn't get you to fix that MX-2 and start flying it again, nothing will.
Here's a picture of my original plane, from back in 2009, and the new one. I would guess, given that the original plane owner got the plane for about half price, that the new one (green) was one of the last ones off of the line. My original one was one of the first.
I tried to get the graphics package again, but the guy who made them for my CARF rep has since retired. I looked at a few other Gary Ward graphics packages, but nothing was as close to the actual plane, so at least for now, I left them off.
I stuck the wings on the new plane so I can balance it and decide where to put the batteries, I think all I have left is to mount the batteries and receivers, then the wheel pants. Those wheels on it are Skylights.. hate them, so I've ordered some White Rose wheels and axles. It's a shame that $300 worth of wheels will be mostly covered with wheel pants.