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I Need To Vent


Again.. it's not 'additional' money in the local economy.. it was there all along, you had it! All that's happened is that you gave it to someone else.

Circulating money drives an economy, not rat-holing money. The $2 spent and circulated, changing hands, and being taxed every time it changes hands is what helps. If it didn't help, and money didn't circulate, money would be worth nothing more than the cotton it's printed on.


We used to laugh when we walked across the bridge from Mexico to Brownsville carrying bags of junk, and met Mexicans going home with bags of good stuff. If you want to buy American, buy Craft Beer.

Well, there you have it: Buy cheap RC stuff from China, put the money you save in a jar and spend it on locally produced beer. What a perfect way to support the local economy! Cheers! :)


New to GSN!
I've just bought my first ESC from Castle Creations, and it has this text on the packaging:


  • IMG_2836t2.jpg
    189.1 KB · Views: 285


70cc twin V2
Well, there you have it: Buy cheap RC stuff from China, put the money you save in a jar and spend it on locally produced beer. What a perfect way to support the local economy! Cheers! :)
A perfect example.. I'd much rather pay someone to brew beer for me to drink than to unpack boxes of stuff from China. And it puts the exact same money into the local economy:D
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70cc twin V2
Seriously? KCV6 wants to nominate Hobbykrap for the trusted rc vendors list? And he is saying 3DHS does not have a good reputation? You've got to be :cursing: kidding me! Id like to punch that son of a :cursing: right in his ugly damn face. This post pissed me off. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=23110966&postcount=58 I'm so sick of this piece of dogs**t hiding behind his keyboard, being a troll with no moderator retribution.
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Chill, my friend, chill! :)

That's why we have our own douche-free and drama-free forum. Instead of wasting you energy on KCV6 and others, make sure all the good guys make it over here!