the worst part is you have to feed it 50V input to get the max specs hahahahaha. i am probably going to get one down the road, but im not feeding it 50v. i like the specs plenty and the dual port capability for field charging on 24v
i think thats the same for me. if i would go to 8 or 10 could just run a dual 4 or 5s. only problem im having to figure is how to field charge with this charger. if i spent the money on the charger and psu i dont wanna still have to buy more lipos. ive read and read and read articles, forums, data etc, but still cant make up my mind on which route to go with that.
i just bit the bullet and got a small generator, and am having a guy at my LHS who is an electrical genius make me up a portable suitcase charging setup. One time investment (hopefully) and i will be good for the forseable future
Field power dilemma- I have a 306b and a 24+ power supply and am debating on a field power source- deep cycle battery (12V) or a small generator (24 V output using the 24+ power supply and the 110v from the gen). Anyone have any advise on this. I figure I'll drop at least $75-100 on a good deep cycle bat and only get 12 V out of it. Still better than a car battery. I haven't priced them out but I think the small gens are around $100. I'll be charging 3,4 and 6 cells. The 3 and 4 cells have been ok with my car batt and a thunder 608 charger but the 6 cells may cause me to walk home or wait so long it would be dark before I was charged up.
On a side note. With the 306b I can now read Internal Resistance. What is good, bad, ugly? Most of my better batts (by their performance in the planes) are in the 1-3 mili ohms per cell. The bad ones (slightly expanded/ puffed and marginal power in plane are about 20-30mili ohms/ cell or around 85-90 m ohms for the pack. What is the drop dead point as far as IR is concerned! I do only use the "ugly" batts in my foamie.
Thanks guys.