Ok Guys, if you want to be a part of the hangouts, you need to have a Gmail account and set up your G+ (G Plus) account, then you have to add people to your circles. I set up a brand new account just for the hangouts my email for this is 3drcfreak@gmail.com . You can add me to your friends circle with that email, or you can PM me your Gmail after you have set up your G+ account, and I will add you to my friends circle.
Its pretty easy, to set up a G+ account and here is my G+ Url for the new 3Dforums Hangouts https://plus.google.com/u/0/113992622240414577167/posts please let me know if you see somthing like this (see below). Sorry this took so long, I have been slammed as of late
Its pretty easy, to set up a G+ account and here is my G+ Url for the new 3Dforums Hangouts https://plus.google.com/u/0/113992622240414577167/posts please let me know if you see somthing like this (see below). Sorry this took so long, I have been slammed as of late