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IMAC car stickers


Xtreme by DeFinition !
Hi guys

Just thought it would be nice to carry one on my car so, did some art works and off it goes for the printing,
I should get them soon so, I'll let you know the minute it will arrive.
Meanwhile take a look.


  • ללא שם.png
    ללא שם.png
    58.2 KB · Views: 816
Last edited:


Hey Adi,

Can you change the .com to .org? Not sure if the .com is going to stay around much longer with the new site being .org. Just thoughts. I would love to get one of the stickers for my trailer :)


Xtreme by DeFinition !
No problem at all, Ive ordered just 10 to see how they would look like on the car or trailer.
For the next order Ive already changed it into ORG.

If any of you IMAC fanatics wants one just send me your address Ill will post them to you FREE, or just give me one address I will post some of them there.
Looks pretty sweet.

And, it always has been www.mini-iac.org since I've been flying IMAC ('bout 5 years now).

I see you posted it in "The Hangar" on the IMAC site too.

I really like the oval design. Nice job!!!


Xtreme by DeFinition !
Hi guys
Just did 100 stickers with a new font design so if any of you IMAC fanatics and GSN members want some just let me know I can post it to you free of charge.
Just mail me your address or if you want and it will be easier for me, mail me your club or a guy that can get them and give it to you personally.