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IMAC Israel first contest for 2015

Very interesting. Where exactly was the location? The scenery was cool. Looks like it was maybe an old military setting?


Nice Job Adi. Congrats to everyone that participated.

After seeing you for two years in a row. Were going to miss you in Muncie this year.


Xtreme by DeFinition !
I sure miss ya'all that's for sure !
This year I spent all my funds for EU contests in the UK and CZ just to get a good hold in IMAC before the next NATs and worlds.
This week I got good news from the old lady, 2017 before the next worlds we're going to do the same routine NATs and then Worlds. Where ever it will be.


New to GSN!
Glad to see your doing well Adi! Congrats on the move up to Unlimited and a great looking event! I also wanted to comment on a nice wide open site that you had to fly at! It was much more open than the one I visited in Tel-aviv! Where was that located, Jerusalem? Let me know if you changed your number, I might be in Israel sometime later this year!

Chuck Edwards