Smart-Fly kicked in 3 power expanders with engine cut offs. One or two of them were EQs as well. I think the invoice was over $800!
DUBRO let me pick, which always makes me feel guilty, haha, so I picked a balancer, two sets of TreadLite tires, and every color of ball joints 12pack.

Desert Aircraft kicked in a $250 CASH OFF any engine.

Hitec kicked in two planes, t-shirts, and caps sent us two fastener assortment kits and a quadcopter
PilotRC sent some coupons.
Aeroworks sent in a 40% Pilot helmet head and several IMAC stick planes
Fromeco sent down a TNT Tach
TruTurn sent in a 5" Ultimate spinner and some shirts and caps
ZAP/House of Balsa sent in a bunch of ZAP glue
ThunderPower gaves us two chargers (I think those things are like $269 each :O )
TailDragger RC sent in two $30 gift certificates
GoldenSkysRC threw some stuff in, as well
Who else? haha
These guys helped out with cash:
Butch Coley
Randy Hinton
John Barnes
Jeff Leshinsky
I made up about 25 of the attached awards framed up for all the supporters, too. Shipping them off to any of them that couldn't make the event.