................so don't judge.
Questions/comments -Joe 262-628-4045a neat device that was brought out to show the crowd and look for potential interest as a new product. it's a stand to hold your plane during start up with a foot release back behind the plane. you step on the diamond-plate bar at the back and the arms drop off to the sides......custom made for your size of planes, likely retail price between $600 and $700
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Questions/comments -Joe 262-628-4045
First time at Nall for me. Had an absolute blast!!
Helped serve the BBQ dinner, where 1,200 people went through the line in 12 minutes flat!
My photos aren't the best, but hope you enjoy...
GREAT VIDEO! Thanks for posting Doug.I found a video of one of my club members Ryan Mowery night flying a Nall this year. When he's Torque Rolling you get to see @pawnshopmike 's "Express Pawn and Gun" graphics on the bottom of the wing.