I like 'em "BIG"!
Wow! What a day. All my kids did their Thanksgiving with "inlaws" and their mother and since "our" thanksgiving is tomorrow, I put today to some VERY good use. I put 10 good hours into the Pitts today and needless to say, I feel as worn out as a full 12 hour day at work. LOL. Pretty sad, Ya gotta go to work to relax huh? hee hee.
Oh well, progress is good right? Because I knew I had a "FULL" day of aileron fitting and bevel sanding to do, I wanted to get the doublers for the lower wing glued in place. I still have not decided ultimately how I am going to mount them, but at least the ribs now have the strength to support the servos in what ever configuration I choose to install them.
Once the doublers were in place, I drilled the hinge points, bevel sanded the leading edges and test fit the ailerons to the wings. I am pleased as they came out pretty good.
I even got some pretty good deflection angle too. So, I am thinking the Pitts will have plenty of roll rate. Even in slow motion action. Hee hee
Oh well, progress is good right? Because I knew I had a "FULL" day of aileron fitting and bevel sanding to do, I wanted to get the doublers for the lower wing glued in place. I still have not decided ultimately how I am going to mount them, but at least the ribs now have the strength to support the servos in what ever configuration I choose to install them.
Once the doublers were in place, I drilled the hinge points, bevel sanded the leading edges and test fit the ailerons to the wings. I am pleased as they came out pretty good.
I even got some pretty good deflection angle too. So, I am thinking the Pitts will have plenty of roll rate. Even in slow motion action. Hee hee