I like 'em "BIG"!
thurmma said
BikeRacer said
I also share a few doubts regarding the lead, but in reality, it's very low and I'm more asking about how it runs in our planes. Race gas would be another contender in this thread. The lead was the main reason we wanted to use it, there was the rumor of lower engine temps and the use of less oil for a cleaner and stronger running engine. Do I need it? Absolutely not, but I would like to get some real feedback on it for others to use because well... I'm curious.
I haven't ran the 100LL, but was thinking about it until I talked to DA and Geahart at Aircraft International, 3W rep. Both companies said that the LL would leave deposits in the engines and could possibly void the warranty should they fail. This was from 2 completely different companies with no ties at all and their answers were almost like listening to a recording, so I listened

When I asked about oils to run, they both said to stay away from Amzoil because of the junk it leaves in the engines and that Redline is the preferred oil to run at this time. I had been running Amzoil and noticed that I always had black junk all over the bottom of the plane and my landing gear and it wasn't from running super rich either. All engines were running very nicely. After a couple of tanks of Redline at the same ration, amazingly no more black junk and the engines seemed to be running smoother. I run 50:1, but you need to run what your engine manufacturer recommends or what you are comfortable with.
Man, I am long winded today, somebody stop me!
I'd have to agree with this. I also talked with Gerhard regarding my 3W 157CS. He told me the same thing regarding gas and oil combinations. He as well as DLE stated that warranties will not cover the use of AV gas in their motors. At least this is what I was told.
Here are some facts for you to consider. If anyone has more input than I, then I too would be interested to hear it.
First, I have been running Red Line in all my gassers since day one. I originally did "try" another brand of oil that was recommended. Crappy dirty fuselage and really did not like the performance of the two motors I tried it in. Went straight back to the Red Line, Fuses are clean and motors are very happy.
There are a couple of stations in the valley that offer 91 octane Non-ethanol premium for around $4.00 bucks a gallon. That is what I have been using and I have not seen or experienced any problems. A number of guys at the field have been running AV gas and they swear by it, but here is what I found. They were constantly fiddling with their DA's and like motors. Couldn't get them to idle, start or otherwise run constantly without a dead stick. Even my original RCG 50cc I would flip the prop "ONE" time and up and purring like a kitten. While these other guys are cussing and fiddling with their motors, I was flying and having a "GREAT" time. I have to believe it was the gas.
They swear by the AV gas because it is "NOT" supposed to be harmful to fuel systems. However one of the biggest users of the AV gas had a brand new H-9 Beast with a 9 cylinder radial on it that he maidened this past summer. He got one short five minute flight and landed to check things out. Without refueling, (Guess he figured there was no need for it) took off again and after about three minutes, he did a slow roll and the motor died and "IN" she went. Nothing bigger than a quarter left of it. It was discovered that he used a recently used tank that was previously run with AV gas. Apparently the tank was still half full when the plane was recovered. Ummm, bottom half. The fuel tubing inside the tank was stiffer than a guys you know what in a brothel full hotties. (Upon preforming the roll, the fuel could not get to the clunk) I recently just went through all my flying planes that I have been using the Non-ethanol and checked every inch of fuel tubing in every single plane. Not a single one of them are showing signs of hardening of the lines. In fact the lines are still as soft and flexable as the day I put them in. Two planes over two years now. Not a problem one from any of them.
I was informed to be especially cautious of engine temps on my 3dub, so I monitor it closely. As well as my others. Mine and my son use the same fuel and the same oil. All our DLE 55's are running around 165 to 180. My 157, slightly over that. No sooty build up in the exhaust, no gumming of the motors.
Just my opinion from my experiences, I will stay away from the AV gas as long as there is quality non ethanol to be purchased. I just can't see there would be an advantage to the risks and lack of performance as I have seen first hand.
Wow Mark, you thought you were long winded tonight. LOL