Where you at CVRC today. I know Chris and Rick plan to come down. Would love more. Be good to see Don again.
Yep, went to CVRC and what a great time we had. Rick and I usually park our trailers together and Chris parks next to us and we got Don on the other side. We put all our canopies in a line so we can easily shoot the bull or course probably more trouble-making that bull shooting.
A lady fixed homemade doughnuts that were worth smacking each other over! Guys were running around with their mouths chocked full telling everyone how good they were. Wifey fixed a pumpkin cake with creamy icing - yumm that was good. Had a sample before going to the field, had two doughnuts at the field, and of course, had another sample pumpkin cake after I came home - borderline sugar coma

Had a terrific crowd for most of the day. Had some flying wings, heli, quads, profiles, electrics and so on. Frank Noll came out and put on a great show for everyone. Many of the regular flyers just burnt the sky up and no major incidents only minor stuff like bent landing gears and such.
My buddy was flying his Mojo 65 and a wheel fell off but he did a great job by stalling it in the bean field and did not harm at all. Flying was great all day. The only thing that bugged some of us was every now and then you would have those darkish clouds that simple gobble up your plane. I hate when that happens - old tired eyes struggle with those.
I believe we are slated for another get together on the 14th of October.