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Mini lathe (and mill) discussion.


More uses for the lathe, this is the airplane club's mower crankshaft. Had to polish the crank journal, 800 wet dry paper and WD40. Brought the mower to the house for spring oil change and found it was run low on oil before it was put away last season, had a slight knock, decided to open it up and see whats going on. Two rods, rings and gaskets and should be good o go.



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Found something to make with my little lathe. Used aluminum as a practice metal but made a dead center. Measurements were off but it was a practice piece.


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Is that mic reading in mm? Again you will find many more uses for the mic, I am lost when I can't find my 0-1" mic and that's pretty often!


Had a little spare time so I installed the DRO on the lathe while it was pulled away from the wall due to the french drain work. The parts came from Banggood and total cost was about $250. The glass scales were cut to fit the lathe. I had read that the glass scale could not be cut but did find several videos on YouTube showing how to cut them. All in all I'm happy with the result. The carriage scale is mounted on the rear of the bed out of the way, the cross slide scale is mounted on the front of the carriage, may have a little problem when the 6" 4 jaw chuck is used, if so it will be be removed. The 4" 3 jaw chuck is mounted 95% of the time.



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I can't wait until I convince myself to buy a bigger lathe. The little Unimat is going to be great for small stuff but that's all.