So here’s the plan. It’s by no means giant scale but should be fun. Never really had a go fast plane before but this one seems easy enough and I should be able to bash it into what I’m thinking pretty easy. So far I just have the plans printed up and have taken inventory so I know I have the wood needed, the carbon tubes needed, servos needed, and batteries I intend to use. Should only need to order a motor and esc. Stock wingspan is 34.5 inches and I’m dropping it back to 32ish but keeping the ribs stock sized. Basically the center section does not need to be as wide since I’m not slapping a fuel tank and other stuff like that in it. For power I will be running a 3542 outrunner around 1200kv turning probably a 8x8 prop with a 70-80amp esc using my existing 2200mah 3S lipos and possibly a prop change to run 4S as well. I don’t expect it to be blistering fast but what I have seen of a similar setup on a similar plane it should do around 90mph on 3S and possibly around 110-115 on 4S.
Now sit back and relax as it might be a few days before I start cutting parts.
Now sit back and relax as it might be a few days before I start cutting parts.