3DRCF Moderator
So I updated the or tried to update the firmware on a Jeti Mezon 90 to ver 1.27 and it errored out on me. See pic below.
This is what it gave me.

Everything works except for the throttle. When I connect the power I get no arming sounds and no throttle.
Now when I plug in the Jeti Box it keeps going to a screen asking..
Impuls Generator yes or no
If I pick yes it shows 1500 ms and about 50V. I am able to make adjustments there if I want.
If I pick no it says servo cycle yes or no and the next screen say's servo speed tst yes or no.
Instead of going to the normal screen where I can program the esc. Heres the kicker, in the manual under troubleshooting it say's...
Problem: There is no “armed†signal tone audible when the battery is connected to the
controller. The motor is connected correctly to the controller. The controller input is also
correctly connected to the receiver, the receiver is switched-on and servos work normally.
Solution: Check the throttle control pulse, which should have a voltage level of at least
2,5V and a width of 0,9-1,4 ms. These values can be measured by connecting a JETIBOX to
the controller and viewed in the menu: “Actual value -> InpPulseâ€.
But I can't get to the Actual value because as I said above it goes to the other screen. I don't know what the hell else to do at this point.
Really sux to man I have one flight on this thing...The maiden flight. The reason for updating is I noticed slow response on power and the
update is supposed to fix this issue. In fact heres the note that comes in the zipped file with the new firmware...
- Improved regulation algorithms over the speed ranges and various types of motors.
- Faster response while starting the motor from zero RPM.
Which is exactly what was going on. Man I hope someone here has an idea or solution.
This is what it gave me.

Everything works except for the throttle. When I connect the power I get no arming sounds and no throttle.
Now when I plug in the Jeti Box it keeps going to a screen asking..
Impuls Generator yes or no
If I pick yes it shows 1500 ms and about 50V. I am able to make adjustments there if I want.
If I pick no it says servo cycle yes or no and the next screen say's servo speed tst yes or no.
Instead of going to the normal screen where I can program the esc. Heres the kicker, in the manual under troubleshooting it say's...
Problem: There is no “armed†signal tone audible when the battery is connected to the
controller. The motor is connected correctly to the controller. The controller input is also
correctly connected to the receiver, the receiver is switched-on and servos work normally.
Solution: Check the throttle control pulse, which should have a voltage level of at least
2,5V and a width of 0,9-1,4 ms. These values can be measured by connecting a JETIBOX to
the controller and viewed in the menu: “Actual value -> InpPulseâ€.
But I can't get to the Actual value because as I said above it goes to the other screen. I don't know what the hell else to do at this point.
Really sux to man I have one flight on this thing...The maiden flight. The reason for updating is I noticed slow response on power and the
update is supposed to fix this issue. In fact heres the note that comes in the zipped file with the new firmware...
- Improved regulation algorithms over the speed ranges and various types of motors.
- Faster response while starting the motor from zero RPM.
Which is exactly what was going on. Man I hope someone here has an idea or solution.
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