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3D My first Design. I Dubb it The ChubCub


640cc Uber Pimp
See, if you had one of those there new fangled CAD software packages on your computer we could CNC those out by the dozen load. Hope it flies for you.....but I'll be waiting for something that at least a 50cc will mount to. No pressure.


Terryscustom;16294 wrote: See, if you had one of those there new fangled CAD software packages on your computer we could CNC those out by the dozen load. Hope it flies for you.....but I'll be waiting for something that at least a 50cc will mount to. No pressure.

I will be working that way Terry. I had to start somewhere though. Already thinking of what I can design next though. It has been a really good feeling seeing something I drew up on paper come together and will be a really good feeling when it flys. Just might have to get me one of them new fangled CAD. To be honest I'm sure what I have here I could have drawn up in google sketch up. I have it downloaded but my little laptop I have is just two slow and makes trying to learn a new program kinda difficult.


Bling, bling for flying things.
lakerider8;16318 wrote: Make sure to add shear webbing between the spars. Grain going vertical.
Agreed. Doesn't need to be much. 1/32" would increase strength and torsional stability tenfold.


I think it will fly well. My father had a profile cub many years ago and it was a blast to fly. Yours will have a better wing loading so I cannot imagine it not performing well.


lakerider8;16318 wrote: Make sure to add shear webbing between the spars. Grain going vertical.

Yup I will be putting shear webs in it.

SlowHuck;16331 wrote: Agreed. Doesn't need to be much. 1/32" would increase strength and torsional stability tenfold.

I will be using 1/16". I tried to find some 1/32" to use not only for that but to sheet the wing with as well but was unsuccessful.

Do-rag;16338 wrote: I think it will fly well. My father had a profile cub many years ago and it was a blast to fly. Yours will have a better wing loading so I cannot imagine it not performing well.

That's good to know. I'm sure mine will fly fine. I think for me the fun part will be trying to fine tune my design once it's in the air. Maybe I won't like the laminar airfoil on this plane and will try a different wing, might need to tweet the shape and size of ailerons and rudder to get it to fit my needs, and heck I'm think of putting landing gear on it if I get it to come in at my target weight. Even considering floats. Lol