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Scale Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub build


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Scratching my head over some sort of frame to square up the fuse and this project has slowed down a lot. My son's 5 days a week baseball schedule is part of the slow down. Anyway, decided to piddle around on the ailerons today. An absolutely useless photo but this forum is dead recently so here it is.



640cc Uber Pimp
Don't recall any problems jointing the sides when I built the BUSA Super Cub, just looked through the build album any didn't take any photos of that step of the build, of course the members were square sticks not round like yours. Here's a photo of the full scale taken at the Piper museum some time ago, maybe it will give you some ideas to think about. Looks like flying season is upon us and building takes a back seat until next fall.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
It was leaning a bit and wasn't sure if the sides slightly angled out or not. Thank you for the photo!


640cc Uber Pimp
Looking good but looking out the window the looks good to, is it nor flying weather or is it to windy.