In addition to the outputs of the servos and battery, the control unit Smart-Fly have two inputs port for charging direct of the two batteries (to in this port can also be connected to a digital instrument for monitoring the battery charge).
All this device weight only 54 grams (+ Rx) and need small space in the model. The hardware is typical of all the power control units of this category: short circuits protection, damage of one of the two batteries, 5 amp. absorption from servo in continuous and 15 of the peak, filters on all the output signals, LED indicators for power status, the device monitors both parcels and uses the energy from the battery with greater capacity; at the same time monitors and automatically isolates the pack that may have problems so that it can not damnage the other pack with consequent loss of control of the aircraft. The controller PowerSystem Sport Plus is supplied without external switch: if you need it is necessary buy it separately.
Interestingly, as mentioned, the ignition system "Cutoff" integrated in the card using a fiber optic cable for the control unit ON/OFF switch that separates the engine ignition from the receiver eliminating any possible interference.
Another note is for the presence in the Smart-Fly Sport Plus device of two connectors "power expander". Smart-fly for PowerSystem Sport Plus has thought to possible expansions equipping with two connectors "Fly PowerExpander" offering programming versatility of the servos through an additional card.
But of this unit I will have opportunity to talk in depth.