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3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Hi I'm Yoda aka Mike.
I'm just getting back into this awesome sport after a 'few' years absence! I am from across the Pond in the UK. My, how things have changed. I am a nitro / balsa guy and really resisting this new-fangled 'leccy' stuff but feel that with the aircraft I want next I'll have to go down that route. I am torn between the Precision Aerobatics Katana (looks more traditional) and the Addiction X (seems pretty able to do most stuff but not sure it isn't just a cool funfly!). I need something reasonable to learn on that will 'do' what I ask but not be too expensive whilst learning. It will probably be a 'next year' purchase when I have become better at the basic stuff.
Before I get into 3D I will have to hone my basic flying skills.... you know the straight and level things. I must be patient.... and practice, practice, practice.
It's great to find this site; so much info. I shall enjoy reading all the info here.

Hey "Yoda" here's my "pilot"for the EF 60" Laser- it's you! Lol
Cheers, welcome to the 3DRCF community.
A member of our club has an Addiction X and likes it. It is very limited as far as growth. Slow flight, harrier, hovering and harrier landing all great but that's about it. Repairability is tough with the labyrinth of CF everywhere. I have to plug the 60" EF airframes, particularly the Edge and Laser for ease of flying, versatility an durability. The Edge is more geared to high alpha and slow flying/ harriers, the Laser is an all around airframe from sport to unlimited Extreme Aerobatics (XA). Your imagination is the limit. We have 2 "seniors" (one late 60s and one over 80) flying Lasers and loving them. I fly the crap out of mine and watch Cody W. XA the baJesus our of his on a regular basis. Not trying to confuse you just that there are other, better (IMO) choices for an airframe you won't tire of quickly. Good luck!


70cc twin V2
I have experience with both the Addiction and the Addiction X. I like them both, but would reccommend that if you are just transitioning into 3D, you do most of you learning on something more durable - My personal reccomnedation for that is a Twisted Hobbies Laser Lite with the stock power and esc. Much less prone to damage than Balsa - One you get the EPP 3D skills solid, then invest in the bals/a carbon airframe.

Just my advice based on my personal journey ....


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I have experience with both the Addiction and the Addiction X. I like them both, but would reccommend that if you are just transitioning into 3D, you do most of you learning on something more durable - My personal reccomnedation for that is a Twisted Hobbies Laser Lite with the stock power and esc. Much less prone to damage than Balsa - One you get the EPP 3D skills solid, then invest in the bals/a carbon airframe.

Just my advice based on my personal journey ....

Absolutely! I just skipped to the Balsa since that's where Yoda was "at" from his comment. [MENTION=1100]alawson999[/MENTION] is correct and my advice to anyone getting into the hobby is "Simulator, EPP, instructor/ simulator- practice,practice, practice, EPP, repeat til comfortable, then Balsa. It sounded like Yoda may have been comfortable with Balsa and only changing power systems (electric).


70cc twin V2
BTW - Nice Pilot figure dth7

I was reacting to "straight and level" tranistioning to 3d

Yoda - I realize giving advice to "Yoda" is probably a bit presumptuous


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
BTW - Nice Pilot figure dth7

I was reacting to "straight and level" tranistioning to 3d

Yoda - I realize giving advice to "Yoda" is probably a bit presumptuous

Lol- "hmmm, wise 3D pilot you are"

"I was reacting to "straight and level" transitioning to 3d"
And for that your advice is spot on.
I missed that in "Yoda's" post.

Pilot figure- too cheap to spend $20 on pilots for 60" so Target had this and Vader for $5 each. Light and cheap!
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Not sure. I'll ask. I wouldn't downgrade 10% for a "movie icon" sitting in as PIC!

It has to be "A realistic three-dimensional human pilot and viewable instrument panel shall be
appropriately installed in all Scale Aerobatic aircraft. (A one [1] percent flight score penalty will be
assessed for noncompliance.)"

Sooooo... Yoda can't be used in IMAC.


  • Screenshot 2014-07-04 20.51.55.png
    Screenshot 2014-07-04 20.51.55.png
    206.1 KB · Views: 272


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Sorry, didn't put up the "sarcasm" sign! But thanks for the clarification Jacob to anyone thinking I was serious about that! My 60s are emergency (read ball up my primary plane) backups for IMAC so I'll take the 1% hit in the rare chance of actually having to use them. In the mean time it adds a little amusement to the wicked tumbling!


Thanks everyone for the advice and opinions.

3dNater - thanks for your input

dth7 - cool pilot. I think I chose Yoda a my name because in time I may 'get' the Force and manage amazing flying feats!! (and I do look a little like that. :) ) I'll have a better look at the EP Extra and Lasers

alawson999 - EPP is something I'll cover below and thanks for the advice about the learning line.

Where am I at in my flying? I started again after a 14 yr break at the beginning of this year. I was advised to get a Chris Foss ARTF Acrowot as I had some previous flying experience. This I did and have put in an ASP 70 FS nitro engine. I have been flying it so far without mishap, though I've had a few close calls. :eek: I am getting more used to it and really loving it. I want to get beyond the flying in circles stage using lots of trim and stuff to stay straight and level, so am in the process of trimming it properly. C of G aft, lateral stability, axial stability etc; basically trim it out so that I can fly it without having to worry too much about built in nasties.

While I learn to fly properly with this I'm looking for something for the future. My aircraft history has been balsa and nitro. Love them both!! I am really resisting electrics and foam. I only decided on the Katana or Addiction X because I liked their looks and enjoyed how they perform although they are electric. Ideally I'd like a balsa with ic / nitro or petrol.

I have watched dozens of video clips about 3D flying and trimming and everything. They all suggest EPP and practice, practice, practice. I agree with this but resist the foam. I'll just have to bite the bullet and 'do' it. Doh!

Another thing. Don't worry about being presumptuous with me. I have no problem listening to advice even if I've heard it loads of times. :cool:

Thanks again to everyone.
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