I got my pilots lisence while I was in the military, I had tail wheel, turbine, aerobatics and a bunch of other wacky stuff, I would hire an instructor when I had the money and flew with buddies when I could get some stick time. I even traveled around in the airshow biz for a summer. If I had to give someone advise or do it again I would have saved my money and waited until I could fly with an instructor at least 4 times a week. It's a perishable skill at first and I ended up stoping and starting which cost a lot more. I don't use the ticket any more, I enjoy RC more than flying myself, the government ruined general aviation imo. A family member of mine owns a FBO, used to import all the Yaks, 50,55,52,and the 9. The airports used to be filled with planes and people but it isn't that way anymore. It's a rich mans game and most of them are not very nice. The airport is very close to stead and the race planes and spectators come in during the races and some of those guys act like babies. The FAA seemed to be the issue with most of them. Anyhow; hope you guys working towards the IA or other certs all the luck!