Hi Vidar and welcome to the site! You'll find a lot of good information and helpful people here. And it's always nice to see people from good old Scandinavia! As you can see form my site name I'm from Sweden, but I have a lot of family in Bergen. I'll probably go visit Norway this summer.
Hjärtligt välkommen! Ha de!![]()
BTW, last night someone was asking how to make fun of a Swede. Ask Vidar! Norwegians and Swedes love to tease each other...![]()
I wouldn't do that, not on my 2nd post... (But maybe third, who knows.)
Hello all. First post. Nice forum. :thumbup:
Hello and happy new year from Norway.
Thanks for making this forum. Have already learnt and picked up some from the articles posted here - and hope to learn and progress more in 2013.
Are flying a lot of 48" Skywing kits, some 3DHS 48" Edge, a little Ultimate AMR and will to get the EF 60" Edge ready for maiden when the snow leaves this spring.
(Only interrupted by some autogyro and quad testing.. =)
Enjoy the flying everyone!
Hello my name is Fred
I'm new at this forum but you could find me at RC groups.
thank you.
Hello all. First post. Nice forum. :thumbup:
Also glad to see your not from WV. Stories we have been reading are a bit, well I'll stop there.