Thanks. Flew glow/nitro R/C from '84 ~ '95, and CL before that. Had a'nuff of the noisy greasy airframe killing vibrators. Just got back in the hobby to give EP a go. Man oh man, finally, 2:1 thrust to weight for EP 3D! Wow, I'm hooked

Been flying (again) for 2 years now and picking up some 3D moves. My present favorites are 3DHS Edges, 48" and 58". Love the post stall stability. Those fly so nice I thought I'd try a larger bird, so presently "building" (prefer "assemblying" for ARFs since I'm used to balsa stick building

the 3DHS 74" Edge. It'll be powered by a Hacker A60-7S with a pair of 5S 4000mAH packs wired for 10S. Have those on hand already for flying the 58" Edge on 5S.
From your footer, I see you're a 3DHS Addict too Josh

I'm thinking 70" Extra SC for my next 3DHS plane, just waiting to see what new color schemes they'll come up with, hopefully in the near future.
Byron C.