70cc twin V2
Hi Guys! I'm Justin Martin for those of you who don't know me(I guess that's just about all of you)
I'm 17 years old, and don't know how long I'd consider myself an R/C pilot, I guess just a little over two years. I started flying when I was about 5, but it never held my interest. I had flown just enough to take off and do very basic circle flying. I had a trainer and a sport plane, but it just wasn't for me, I didn't have any fun, so I never flew them. It wasn't until 2011 I started to get into(when I moved to TN.). I'll be honest, Tennessee sucks
, just about as boring of a place to live, so I started hanging out at the flying fields more often with my dad. At the time we had an E-flite pro cap that my dad just flew around to do stupid stuff with. Pretty soon I started flying it, and it became my plane. it was an extremely pitchy plane(WAY too tail heavy)which has really helped my basics as a 3d flier, which I'm now glad for because it taught me a lot, especially basic things like landing a 3d plane with 80 deg. elevator. I also learned the basic post stall 3d manuevers, harriers both upright and inverted, torque rolls, and near the end of its' life, harrier rolling. It was the airplane I could fly fearlessly(and when I started to surpass it's abilities, I did
). I still have a LONG way to go before I become the pilot I want to be, but I'm happy with the progress I've made. I'm slowly making the transition from EF to 3DHS planes, but I currently fly an EF 48 MXS, 3DHS 47 SHP, EF 48 Laser, 3DHS 41 Edge, EF 88 extra 300( will probably become an IMAC bird next year if I don't sell it), and can't wait to get 58 and 74(or 92) edge's from 3dhs as soon as I can!
On a more personal level though, I'm just a nerd
My other hobby is 1980's G.I.Joe's(I wasn't kidding when I said I'm a nerd), particularly foreign release figures. My dad is a corporate pilot, so my entire life has been spent in and around planes, and I'm currently trying to get into the Air Force Academy, although if that doesn't work out I plan on joining the Marines as an Aviator. No matter what, I plan on being around airplanes for the rest of my life. My hope is to someday get a real MXS, or any of the other unlimited class aerobatic planes.
That was a bit long winded, sorry guys! Guess that covers it all though
I'm 17 years old, and don't know how long I'd consider myself an R/C pilot, I guess just a little over two years. I started flying when I was about 5, but it never held my interest. I had flown just enough to take off and do very basic circle flying. I had a trainer and a sport plane, but it just wasn't for me, I didn't have any fun, so I never flew them. It wasn't until 2011 I started to get into(when I moved to TN.). I'll be honest, Tennessee sucks
On a more personal level though, I'm just a nerd
That was a bit long winded, sorry guys! Guess that covers it all though
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