Great work and details on the build AKfreak! This is our new favorite model at the moment
I have a bunch more details to post, I hope when I am done with the build info you can take another peek at this post. I will say this is BY FAR the best EPP foamie I have ever built. The only thing I would change is the way the control rods are done. I much prefer the little aluminum blocks used in the MXS-C build.
Also the manual, the one you use refers to of the 39" edge, and it's a little different than this plane mostly the same but still different

p. Also it misses a few of the exact details needed to assemble a few of the little things, things like the landing gear. The build when smoothly for the most part, and the next 39" should be a lot easier.
Now all I need is for someone to send me the foamie. My offer still stands, I will build your Twisted Hobbys model, all you have to do is buy all the parts you need for your build, and buy me the same air frame as compensation. Then you need to pay for shipping to your house
Stay tuned for more build info after I take care of these darn kids. AKf