Hope you get something or hear something soon
@Bunky.F.Knuckle ! I snuck out Friday for a couple of flights, thinking I could get a solid three flights or so. Followed one older guy into the field and he was flying a park flyer so I waited for him, he crashed and was working on it so I took off. I had turned the low needle one more blade width and it is right where I think I'm going to leave it for several gallons. From super low idle it kinda stumbles like it's lean, from high idle it spools like an electric on steroids. In the air it sounded VERY nice and was pulling very very nice.
I came in close and noticed I was missing a wheel!!

I greased it in nice and slow, no issues at all and the old guy tells me"Nice flight!" and then follows with....... "ya know if you flew that beautiful plane like a normal person the wheels would not fall off." LOL
I think I ground the axle a little too far when I made a flat spot for the wheel collar, or maybe just had a weak axle, no biggie.
New Falcon 28x9.5 showed up today (same as I'm running on my DLE120) and am super excited to try that prop after another 6-10 flights.