Going with tuned pipes. Airplane for that engine is set up for tuned pipes. It actually flys better on pupes than it does stock mufflers.
Thats the TBM mind set. Give Joe a jingle at ZDZUSA. See what he can do.That's about the wait for parts also
if you can even get them.
I have Jtecs on my 3W150...... Not obnoxious at all, actually very throaty. Those are the mufflers I have on my MX2 when I flew it at the BG 3D fest.SWEET!! I highly recommend the new J&A mufflers. I started with the Jtec's but they are obnoxious sounding.
I have Jtecs on my 3W150...... Not obnoxious at all, actually very throaty. Those are the mufflers I have on my MX2 when I flew it at the BG 3D fest.
Already got my Corvus!A new corvus?