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PAU 30% Sukhoi SU-26


Back in the suck, USMC, we had a handful of em

Left Handed Torque Wrench
A can of flight line
Striped Spray Paint
An I.D. 10 Tango
All batteries names started with a BA so we'd send 'em after a BA 1100 November with an attached ST ring
A can of frequency grease

BJ Swope
When I was a senior in high school in shop class, we always sent the freshman after a Muffler Bearing, an Exhaust Belt or some Turn Signal Fluid lol


Had 2 flights on the Sukhoi yesterday. It's to responsive. I turned the Elevator down but not enough on low rates. Should have slowed down the ailerons but that will wait till next time. Upped the rudder throw for easier hammers. It was to windy today so the knife edge mixing will have to wait till next time.

No pictures cause I was doing all the flying today.
.... I like it... Now I'm anxious to get it tuned in cause I think this is going to be great all around plane.

PS: I like the engine a lot. Lots of power. Have to throttle back to keep it from going out of site. I also need a throttle curve. I forgot to set one when I started it up.


Last night I stayed out in the Shop till 10pm and finished up the Sukhoi. Well worth the effort and lack of sleep.

Today I had time to fly the plane and not worry about other people and what they were doing. This plane flies great. Very little coupling. Didn't even mess with mixing cause I think I need to move the CG back a little. I'm liking it a lot. IMAC practice with this plane will be a breeze. This is definitely become my everyday flyer. # flights today and the the first time with the Futaba 14-SG. I'm getting used to the 14 also and I'm finding it easy to use. smile emoticon

The other great thing that happened today was my friend Burlie Higgenbotham had his first flight with my son Tom Jr's Fun Cub. Burlie did a great job. Made all the right corrections that he needed to. I think he'll be a great pilot if he chooses to become an RC Pilot.

Ali Had his nice little foam pattern plane out. This is a nice plane and Ali did a great job flying it.

It was nice to finally get one of my planes out and have fun with it. I was actually sad when I had to pack it up for the evening to come home.

Unfortunately I cant post pictures. I get a pop up menu and then I t won't let me do anything with it. I'll try again tomorrow.