Here's an update on my progress
I went to the hoby shop and got a small can of red spray paint which i used on the baffles going around the 120 engine ..

You can see the Ignition is sitting on floating mount i purchased from Traildragger RC should keep the vibrations away from the circuits in the ignition

You can also see some steel weight of 4.5 oz behind the top air dam and other six ounces behind the firewall .
The temp sensors are routed in and used silcon to preent it from moving to much .
The mounting of one of the R3 receivers in the rear of the fuselage area.
I good shot showing how all three battues are positioned in the firewall . You can see the weights on the bottom just behind the firewall stock.
I used some G10 underneath the floor of where the batteries are laying for some extra reinforcement to secure the batteries down with velcro tape .
A good pic of how everything is arranged to help with the CG issue since i'm using pipes instead of canisters and had to keep everything as much forward as possible.
These are secraft wing bolt 1/4- 20 with a threaded rod and bolt .
So instead of using permant loctite which is red i decide to use Hysol epoxy to fasten the threaded rod to the bolt end now it's just like a bolt fastening the wing .
I want to see if the rod will come loose from the nut area over time ..
So just got the power leads for the power box ignition kill and i have to route them in .
I do like how simple and easy it was to install