I have never flown an extra. Maybe you guys that have owned edges and extras can tell us the difference in flying characteristics? To me it looks like the extras land a little hotter but track better at higher speeds. Like I said, I have never flown one so I can only go by videos.
Landing speed has little to do with it unless it's pilot choice or a small / poorly designed airfoil or wings.
The wing shape of the Edge lends itself to stability, slow speed and post stall stability especially. As I always say that has proven true in my redneck airplane design theories....to gain something, you have to take away something. For Edges it is precision. The MAC in relation to gravity changes as the airplane rolls, so if you do a long slow roll with an edge if you you have to give it extra rudder correction to keep it from sinking when it goes towards KE. Where an extra has the swept leading edge and the MAC remains more constant and so it does not do this "bob". During "rolling harriers" this is not really evident because the wing is no longer flying.
Edge's are also shorter and excel in tumbling, where an extra may take a little more effort to to super tight tumbles (I use spoilerons to accelerate the tumbles). I won't give away all my secrets but a good example of a mix between these is the Viper. I like edges just like you, but I also want to fly clean lines in an IMAC style precision. I did a variety of things to the wings to allow this, again, won't give out my secrets
Another difference with the Extra wing is it's ability to snap more crisply. This also gives better 3D flight in certain maneuvers as well as IMAC flying, etc.
You may also find that some extras and other planes are purpose built for IMAC and are a little longer in the fuse, this works together with the wing shape to provide an even cleaner line but further detracts from post stall flight envelope.
Attached is a picture that illustrates the center of chord on which the MAC and CG are determined. If you visualize the plane rolling the wingspan shrinks in relation to gravity and changes the MAC location (in relation to gravity). I've done some reading on it, and I don't fully understand how all the mumbo jumbo works but it plays a roll on ability to maintain a horizontal line in a roll.