I like 'em "BIG"!
Yup...working on it. Got one more Aileron to hinge, canopy to put on...(decided against a pilot this time around) wheel pants and balance. I hear tell this coming Sunday is supposed to be a repeat of this past Sunday. So ya'll know what that means?Get-ur-done might get another nice day
I will post some pictues later, but until then... a short clip of the first, well ok second start up of the DLE 111 with Bowman rings. First startup went really good. Just a tad rich on the low speed so I dialed it in about a screw driver blade width. I really don't worry too much about taching motors, but I do try to get an idea of how they are performing initially. 6030 static with 28 x 10 Falcon CF. Man this thing is "QUIET"!! Pretty sure this thing is going to be an absolute animal once airborne. I so can't wait.