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Pilot RC 107" Extra 330SC


640cc Uber Pimp
3pm yesterday, Saturday... perfect conditions... it was just me and my plane at the field. :) Lately it has been "no guys, and no flies." haha
Perfect conditions, what's that like? Earlier in the week they were forecasting Saturday and Sunday high 60's winds a 5mph. Well Saturday winds were 15 to 25. Today they're saying 10 to 15, but bet it will be more.:mad:

Joe Hunt

Back in the air after being back of the garage for 8 months... still saying best 40% I've ever flown. Not as wild as the Pilot RC Extra... but a better flyer. :)


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I like 'em "BIG"!
Back in the air after being back of the garage for 8 months... still saying best 40% I've ever flown. Not as wild as the Pilot RC Extra... but a better flyer. :)
I have to agree with you Joe. I think the Sukhoi is by far the most stable and calming 40 percent still in production. Could be why they are still selling like hot cakes huh?

Joe Hunt

You know, that Sukhoi is a great IMAC plane and good backup plane for me... but I took the Extra out today and it is totally my favorite plane of all time. :)


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New to GSN!
Hi guys!

Although I am new to this forum I have been following this build for quite a while. I must give a big thank you for the details you share. Especially to Joe hunt for the vids about programming. So helpful! however I am still struggling to figure everything out.
Anyway, I am about to finish a Pilot Extra 107". I will post some pics tomorrow to show what I have done so far.
Quick details : engine DLE111 with MTW mufflers. I have 2 savox 1268 per wing, 2 savox 1268 on the elevator, 1 savox 2230 on the rudder and one MKS on throttle. I also use a Smartfly EQ10 with a 14 channels Futaba receiver, 2 Pulse batteries ( 3600mah) and a Ultra Ibec.
When you will see the pictures, could you tell me if I need to modify something? My biggest concern is about the rudder system : you will see a giant arm which helps keeping the wires ( pull-pull system) from loosening. I am not quite sure one servo will be enough...
One question : The EQ10 is so easy to use! I love it. So, I programmed all my servos. I wanted to check if my elevator was working properly. I have programmed my end points and center, on high rates, accurately. However, when I switch to low rate ( I do it with a condition setting on my Futaba programmer), I notice that there is a small difference between the two sides of the elevator. I also notice that one servo goes slightly faster than the other one. I tried to fix the problem while changing the length of the pushrod, but it does nothing spectacular.. I guess the problem comes from that the two 1268 servos are not exactly the same and I should change the speed of one. I have a "speed" menu in my transmiter, maybe it is the way to go?
I don't think I will notice something when the Extra will be in the air, but I would like to understand if I could improve my settings. Could you help me with that?

thanks a lot