After building 7 of this same plane
Damn, I need you to come over (you're close, I'm just saying! haha) for one day and we'll knock this thing right out! I have beer! lol
The wheels make good book ends, Tailwheel is a great back stored in the trailer, the ball joints are fine on 50cc or smaller but the recycled plastic starts to wear on the ball and flutter begins. I have a collection of Pilot fuel tanks in a box somewhere. The plane itself is fantastic. Fly's better for me than most any other 40% or other brand for that matter. Needs to be a slight tail heavy. I have used the DA 170 on it but lacks power for me. The GP is what was on all of mine. The ZDZ is heaven

A DA 200 is too heavy for just a bit m ore power imo.
That is some good info, right there! Okay, my favorite saying is "a word to the wise is sufficient." So, I won't run the tires! haha Toss the balljoints, too, huh? Okay, I'll replace them with DUBROs. I've had some offbrand ball links snap in two, but never a DUBRO. Was looking forward to not doing any plumbing (crazy Smok'n Joe McBride took my H9 Sukhoi included fuel tank out of the box and didn't inspect it or anything and is running it in his Carden DOD :O lol). But, okay, I'll put together another PSP/Fiji tank.

Slightly tailheavy? With a DA-170 on the nose would you go push/pull on the rudder instead of pull/pull? Probably going 2 servos per elevator half, as well (four elevator servos total). With four elevator servos would I be tailheavy enough with pull/pull? Did you run the DA-170 on RE3 pipes? Joe (is everyone in my life named Joe? When the phone rings if I say, "what's happen'n Joe?" I'll have the name right 90% of the time! haha) doesn't have a 180 for me. :/
BTW this plane is the most stable harrier plane in the world!!!!
For me that would be the Carden 40% Edge 540 and the Aeroworks 122" Yak55M! The two easiest planes to harrier and torque roll I've ever owned. I cannot get a wing to tip on either plane. Sounds like this one is the same!
Thank you very much (and the rest of you) for all the details about your experiences with this plane! And, Spats, when are you coming over? haha