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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC


I'm not sure how I feel about people that fly this plane better than me;)
Looks like you have the balance right on the money. It doesn't look like the control horn placement is bothering you. Great job.


Damn I'm hungry
I have had good success with this in my 14sg.......Get about 7 hours operation and time to recharge......It is 20c and not 10c like the pack you have. Price is a steal for it's reliability.
life 2100.jpg
Hey Joe, Just curious what you are using for expo. I use far less these days with the exception of the rudder which I need a lot or would be all over the place when hovering.

Same here. Took out a lot of expo and it actually seemed smoother, although anyone watching probably wouldn't have noticed... and not cuz I'm so smooth either.